Sunday, March 7, 2010

Comparison: CHANEL Particuliere vs. Alternativen

Dear Reader - now I have had the time to swatch the trend colour from CHANEL with these beautiful alternate colours!

ORLY Prince Charming, CHANEL Particuliere, OPI Over The Taupe und OPI You Don't Know Jacques!

I swatched the nail polishes in two variations: artificial light and natural day light...

The details:

ORLY Prince Charming
is very close to Particuliere, just a hint brighter and cooler. Like always this ORLY polish is easy to apply, offers a good opacity and a normal drying time!

OPI Over the Taupe
is the shade which is closest to the Original - what is your opinion: Do you see any difference?

OPI You Don't Know Jacques!
is a bit darker and more greyish, but besides this a beautiful colour to wear the Taupe trend!

What do you think? Is CHANEL the very expensive price of almost 60 Euro on ebay worth or are the alternates as beautiful as the Original?


  1. finde den hype um taupe-lacke nicht wirklich ansprechend- trage selber keine der "in" farben bzw. der aktuellen frühlings-kollektionen der großen amerikanischen firmen, bin da eher eine lila/violet fanatikerin ;)

  2. 60 € ??? !!!
    Kein Nagellack ist 60 € wert! ;)
