Sunday, May 23, 2010

Nail Polish of the Week: American Nails Spring Tulip

Starting now I show you from time to time my favourite polishes. This one is #2507 from American Nails, called 'Spring Tulip'. I remember, that I gave this polish its name - not every brand give to the colours also a name, so this is my creation!
American Nails - 2107 Spring Tulip

I wrote in a former post, that I am not really a fan of brighter colours, but I LOVE and could die for Duochrome colours like this and its one of my all-time favourites! It reminds and fascinate me on a peach coloured, blooming spring flower, hitted by a flash of sunlight...

The polishing with this was like always with American Nails easy and quick, here in three layers with Base and Top Coat. The brushes of American Nails are perfect, not too thick, not too thin. The length of the bristles are a bit longer than regular, which provides an easy and smooth application without visible strikes on the polish surface.

And what are you saying - do you like the colour? What about Duochrome? If yes, what you like especially? And if not - why not?

1 comment:

  1. sieht toll aus und ich mag duochromes auch sehr gerne, hat was.
    was mag ich eigentlich nicht *grübel* :-D

    schön wieder was zu lesen in deinem blogg :-)
    lg big.s
